For all Teachers, Staff, TeamLeads, & Elected Officers
Valued Servant Leader - THANK YOU for your willingness to serve the Savior in significant ways at FBC! Per our Constitution, all leaders must annually review and sign onto our core teaching from Scripture. Why? Doctrine is the DNA, and even small confusions or twists can hurt the Body of Christ. Please direct questions to your Board leader, or a Pastor. Here’s one Biblical command that is the reason behind this affirmation:
Article 5 MEMBERSHIP: Section 6 Annual Leadership Commitment
Intentions fade and convictions can change, but God commands the Church to “guard the good deposit
entrusted to you…Turn away from opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge, which some have
professed and in so doing have departed from the faith.” (2 Tim 1:14, 1 Tim 6:20-21, Jude 3). All First Baptist
Teachers, Staff, Team Leaders, and Elected Officers must annually sign written agreement with the basic
Statement of Faith and Constitution of this Church and state any differences. Non-essential matters will not
disqualify anyone. The Deacons will secure these signatures during a one-month period each year.
I will continue to seek Jesus as we build His Kingdom in an environment of unity and love.
After reading the Statement of Faith, I sign my agreement or state any differences: