If you are SAVED by Jesus, you are SENT by Jesus!   His love compels each of us to play a part in sharing the Gospel with all peoples.  Knowing, tracking, & praying for our Missionaries is a fruitful part of how we witness Jesus to the WORLD!

OUR  Missionaries

Lauran  B.

DavE  Biskie

Abolishing Global Slavery
ORG: International Ministries
Advancing Witnessing Communities on College Campuses
ORG: InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
Since 1986, Lauran has been passionate about sharing Jesus’ hope and healing with victims of human trafficking and prostitution. She also offers prevention opportunities for those at risk. Now living in California, she continues her ministry with victims of trafficking and the organizations serving them globally -- advising, networking, and conferencing in multiple and creative ways.
David Biskie is a campus ministry Training Specialist at Western MI University. Dave travels to campuses throughout the US, creating curriculum , boosting conferences, training staff, & performing onstage at the huge triennnial Urbana Missions Conf. One creative approach is his design of Proxy Stations, which are interactive arts experiences that introduce students to Jesus on campuses. An InterVarsity veteran, Dave also develops leaders that can help multiply disciple-making at over 1100 chapters in the USA

Chris  &  Ren  Briggs

Drs.  Dan  &  Sarah  C.

Reach, Teach and Nurture the Deaf of Jamaica
ORG: Caribbean Christian Center for the Deaf (CCCD)
Advocating for Migrant Domestic Workers, while sharing Christ and counseling in holistic care.
ORG: INSAAF Justice and Compassion of Jesus
Chris Briggs is the Campus Manager for CCCD, a deaf community in Jamaica and assists at the other three campuses and leads many teams in both Jamaica and the United States. He is also a liaison for the RCA as it explores opportunities to serve deaf communities in Cuba, Haiti, Canada and the U.S. As much as 99% of the world’s deaf population has never been exposed to the Gospel, making it one of the largest unreached people groups. In Jamaica alone, tens of thousands of people are deaf.
Dan and Sarah are the first International Ministries global servants in the Arab world. Dan is an Adjunct Professor at the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary. Dan’s current focus is promoting strategic Arab ministries in 7 countries in the Middle East and North Africa, called “Enduring Love.” Sarah has pioneered a ministry among foreign migrant women working as maids in Lebanon. She visits and ministers at 3 prisons, advocates for the rights of maids, fights human trafficking, and runs an Integrated Centre for Migrant Domestic Workers, called INSAAF: Justice and Compassion of Jesus.

June  Cox

Drs.  Rick  &  Anita Gutierrez

Friendship Evangelism, Discipleship, Mentoring
ORG: NAIM (North America Indigenous Ministries)
Health and Wellness, Training and Capacity Building
ORG: International Ministries
June and her husband Tom started serving full-time under NAIM in 1983. In 1995, they moved north to serve Lummi Nation. June continues on after Tom’s death in 2021. Not using the title of missionary, she walks alongside Lummi people as they live out their lives, reflecting God’s love and grace. Some of her key roles are as Bible study leader and attender, director of the annual children’s Bible camp, and chaplain at the local jail. She also serves as a Support Officer, responding to the scene of unexpected deaths to care for the family and others involved. June does home and hospital visitation, as well as a wide variety of acts of service.
Family doctors Anita and Rick train and equip local missionaries, or Health Builders, to combat lifestyle-related diseases like HIV/AIDS, high blood pressure, heart and artery disease, diabetes, and malaria in homes, schools, places of worship, and marketplaces. Health Builders also receive training in gardening and poultry skills so that they can promote good nutrition and create income, and they lead Bible study groups in their communities.

Dr.  Linda  &  Wally Hostetter

Diana  Joss

Widows:  Encouraging, Gifting, Praying, Establishing Groups.
ORG: Widow's Might
Consultant for CEF Middle East Staff!  Training Others to Reach and Teach Children
ORG: Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF)
Dr. Linda Hostetter underscores the biblical principles of caring for widows and seeks those who wish to support her work in Nigeria, Ghana, Mali, Kenya, Belarus, Moldova, Siberia, Nicaragua, Guatemala and Mexico. Widows’ Might is actively battling for widows in underdeveloped countries where they suffer stigmatization, isolation, physical and psychological abuse, and extreme poverty. Centers are being built to provide a sustainable solution for widows living in poverty and poor social standing by developing their skill sets, autonomy, and ability to provide for themselves and their children.
Diana was commissioned at FBC in 1980 as a teacher of teachers across the Middle East. Her responsibility included working with national CEF leaders in a training program in Cyprus, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Israel, Kuwait, and Egypt. She also takes the opportunity to present the Gospel to many other segments of society. As part of the CEF ministry translation team she continues to translate CEF Literature and the Bible into Farsi and distribute in the underground house churches in Iran and around the world. Diana has a heart for the children of the world through the CEF trainings and camps.

Sarah  Lobsiger

Andy and Lea  Ferrier

Reach the Younger Generation for Christ
ORG: Circuit Riders
Reach & Disciple the Jewish Community
ORG: Midwest Messianic Center
While training to be a nurse at Grand Valley, Sarah was moved by God seeing peers come to Christ.   She joined Circuit Riders as a missionary to college campuses, first in the Midwest and now internationally.  Sarah shares Jesus relationally & personally, and trains others in many countries in evangelism, prayer, and outreach events.  After fruitful Gospel impact in  Pakistan, the Paris Olympics, and in African countries, God led Sarah to move to Australia on a semi-permanent basis.   His hand is on this faith-driven witness to the next generation!

Andy currently travels to Detroit, MI and Chicago, IL in order to spread the good news of the gospel to the Jewish community. He lets them know they are saved by Jesus Christ's sacrifice and introduces the New Testament's point of view. Andy also is a part of a network that hosts traveling Israelis. 


Anna  Romeu  &  Juan Antonio  Ortego

Bible Education, Discipleship, Training for Ministry
ORG: Ethnos360
Evangelism, Discipleship and Training of Youth
ORG: Camp L’Arcada
Joshua and Tamara have served at the Ethnos360 Bible Institute for 20 years.  They’ve been involved with MANY aspects of training students as they prepare them for their roles in future ministries. At EBI, intentional discipleship and personal study of the Word of God are the driving force for training believers to apply the Bible to daily life.  EBI is a rare place to where serious men & women can train, even right out of high school, to take Word of God into people groups that have no gospel witness.  Ethnos360 Bible Institute also serves as the 1st phase of training for Ethnos360 members.
Both Anna and Juan worked in various evangelical ministries, but after CEF training in Lisbon, Juan began working full-time for CEF and Anna completed courses that are required for camp directors. Anna and Juan have taken their three children to camp since they were very young and participated in the discipleship programs. From the very first moment the ministry of L’Arcada made an impact in their lives. Every week for 15 years they have led a group that organizes the Adventure Camps. Anna & Juan continue the discipleship of youth at L’Arcada.

Hannah  Strayer

Jason  &  Nisae  Williamson

Africa Media Specialist
Planting Churches, Discipling the Unreached
ORG:  Ethnos360
Hannah is deeply passionate to tell stories of mission & redemption through Christ. She travels to varoius parts of Africa and beyond to encourage missionaries, capture God's work, and see Jesus get the glory with modern media.  Hannah also relates directly with locals, spreading the good news and uplifting others. This year she will be traveling to Zambia, Spain, Togo, South Africa, Uganda, & more.
Jason & Nisae and their children are planting churches among the Iski people in Papua New Guinea. Few countries can match the cultural diversity of Papua New Guinea, whose 7 million people speak more than 800 languages, and live mostly in rural, indigenous communities. Jason is the brother of our own Jen Gusey and Nisae is the niece of the Frantz's and the granddaughter of Pat Nicol.

For  more  info  or  to  find  your  max  participation in Missions -  reach out!     office@fbcchar.org